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Blog Passion and Purpose on the Path

It’s refreshing to finally allow oneself to mix personal and professional passions. While I have utilized what the Sherpas have taught me in my approach to work, other than sharing anecdotes with a few colleagues I have kept the “worlds” quite separate. As George on Seinfeld once feared, “Oh no, world’s are colliding!” I was worried that the company wouldn’t understand that my life outside of the office doesn’t detract from my focus, but actually enhances my skills and provides broader perspective. That concern has dissipated as my self awareness/confidence has grown and our work-life culture takes on new dimensions. I have a deeper appreciation for not only how I can improve myself as a person and marketer, but also how what I learn from the Sherpas can help others to grow. Even George survived his deepest fears, which were for the most part humorous, unfounded neurosis. What passions in your “personal” life could benefit your “work” life and other people too?

Here is a link to a video interview conducted by industry legend and my friend Jack Myers (another example of world’s colliding positively). I hope by watching this, you too can gain perspective and follow your passions to reach your own #SummitofSuccess.
Passion and Purpose Interview with Lee Nadler

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