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Blog What a Year on the Path

It’s been a little over a year since I returned from Mt. Everest (April 19), next week marks a year when I joined MINI (May 15) and today (May 9) I am exactly one year older.

Milestones can be helpful in providing perspective for how far we’ve come and where we may go next. What I find most important is to use certain milestones to take pause, and reset in the present. I recognize that I’m in a good place now. That awareness provides a certain amount of comfort and confidence. But, for me that recognition requires a real shift in focus.  To not be in the past nor allow the fear of what could happen next to overwhelm the present is a challenge.

When I was trekking during some difficult days on Everest, I needed to focus intensively on the next step to ensure my footing.  Crossing bridges required a bit of extra attention.  Especially tricky with yaks coming the other way!



This simplicity of mind was refreshing and made the experience even more enjoyable.  Outside distractions vanished. I saw this quality in the Sherpas.  They live a tough way of life. but approached each day with a renewed enthusiasm and openness.  They were present.

I’ve tried to keep this sense of presence alive back here in the Western world, a year later.  It’s ironic that it’s hard to have simplicity. It’s no wonder given all of the distractions of life, including the constant texts, tweets, emails, facebook updates, etc. I’ve found that a quick moment of mediation reminds me of the present and gives me a fresh perspective.  I try to do this everyday.

So, indeed a year is in the past.  But I’m here in the present right now.

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