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Blog Karma Sherpa came to town

Karma and I spent a great day together and he finally got to meet my wife and daughter.

We talked about our adventures together – from trekking in the Himalayas of Nepal to now walking the streets of New York City. It’s amazing that we have known each other for 15 years! Each time we get together it inspires me. Karma said, “It’s very precious to have such a long friendship. It makes life very meaningful.”

We talked about many things that can lead to happiness.  Living in the moment. How when you take responsibility for others, you can make someone else’s life better as well as your own life more complete. Ultimately we all have a desire to gain happiness but that we each have a different path to get there.  These perspectives generate positive energy.

Speaking of positive energy, Karma brought prayer flags to our house which my daughter immediately hung in her room.  The wind spreads the prayers from the flags to bring health, happiness and peace to you and others.  I hope you can feel it blowing your way.

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